empower ocean

EMPOWER OCEAN is the story of a female empowerment and capacity building initiative conceptualised to facilitate ocean guardianship by local women from ocean-dependent coral reef communities within the Indo-Pacific. Creating an intersectional conservation and female empowerment model in Maldives or Indonesia, Empower Ocean unites SDG’s 5 and 14 with the aim to increase long-term ecosystem resilience through prioritising gender equity in marine resource management.

I am immensely grateful for the generous support of Ocean Culture Life’s storytelling grant in our female empowerment initiative, "Empower Ocean". This project, powered by my NGO, Women in Ocean Science, in collaboration with local stakeholders, provides opportunities to local women within the Indo-Pacific to become guardians of their marine environment. I am so grateful to the OCL grant in supporting:

1. Empower Women in Marine Science & Diving: Provide opportunities for training, mentorship, and professional development in ocean science and diving to 5 women within the Indo-Pacific.

2. Short-form Film Production: Beyond providing opportunities, the grant enabled us to capture and share their transformative journey through a short-form film. This visual narrative not only amplifies their voices but also shines a spotlight on the broader issues of representation, empowerment, and the essential role women play in marine conservation.

Film coming soon.

“I am so proud to be part of this community - thank you, Ocean Culture Life, for believing in our vision and making this journey possible.”

Madeline St Clair