Brandon Verdura | Photographer | Freediver | Lifeguard | Hawaii


Brandon Verdura is a photographer, spear fisherman, US Coast Guard helicopter rescue swimmer, 100ft+ free diver, and EMT living out his dream in Oahu, Hawaii. A South Floridian, with a second home in the water, he developed a passion for the ocean at a young age, learning how to free dive and spearfish in his father’s footsteps.

“My father has a strong passion for the water and spearfishing, so naturally, you could say, I dove in headfirst. At 5 years old, with my mask and fins, I would trail my father’s adventures and watch from the surface as he would free dive and come up with dinner… I was mind blown by that concept alone. Ever since then, I have had an unmatchable love for the water, until I found photography. There is no greater feeling of freedom than under the surface, and being able to capture for others to experience is my passion.”


What is a typical day like for you?

Depends on the day, if its a day off I am usually checking the weather around the island to find a good spot to dive. If the weathers no good ill usually be at home editing or working on my photography course. Its always a struggle to make the decision between being productive, or to go dive and fill my hard drive with even more photos haha.


What are the fondest memories from your upbringing that you feel impacted your life choices and lifestyle today?

It would definitely be growing up in South Florida, spending most of my weekends with my family in the Florida Keys, fishing, diving, spending time out on the water. I was very fortunate to grow up in this environment that started my love for the ocean at a young age.


What/who currently inspires you?

From a creative standpoint, definitely have to say any of BBCs Our Planet, Planet Earth or Blue Planet series. The way they are able to capture the beauty of the natural world is incredible. As for being inspired mentally, I’d have to say Tony Robbins. He has helped me realise what I truly value in this life and the determination to achieve my goals.

What path did you choose after leaving school?

After high school, I chose to join the Coast Guard to become a helicopter rescue swimmer. And it was after a few deployments to the Bahamas that found love in capturing the underwater world with my first GoPro. It wasn't long after that, that I purchased my first DSLR camera.


What do you value most in life?

Happiness. Everyone deserves it.

What would you most like to change in the world/environment today?

A healthy happy planet. Where we can all live happy, sustainable, and in peace.

Are there any books/documentaries that have guided your thinking?

Tiger King, it really just spoke to me... haha obviously kidding, got to love that mullet though. But actually, as stated before, most of BBC's series is amazing. The amount of work that goes into the storytelling and imagery is incredible. You also can't beat David Attenborough saying "Bottle Nose Dolphins". Chasing Coral was also extremely eye-opening.

What brings you the most joy?

I’d have to say being in the water exchanging curiosity with a wild animal. It’s just an incredible experience.

What legacy do you hope to leave?

I just hope my imagery shows the beautiful connection we can have with the ocean and the creatures that live in it. And that it inspires others to want to take care of it.


Website -

Instagram - @brandonverdura


Jono Allen | Wildlife Photographer | B. Env Science | Encounter Guide | Freediver | Australia - Tonga


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