Claudia Schmitt | Underwater & Nature Filmmaker | Germany


Claudia is an award-winning underwater, nature, and wildlife filmmaker, passionate about the protection of our oceans. She builds her background in media production and quickly developed into an avid underwater videographer, one of the few females in the industry. 

She is originally from Munich, Germany, now living near Frankfurt, Germany, but now she is spending many months per year in different places around the world. 

Teamed up with her partner Hendrik, the two created “The Jetlagged” to create powerful films about the underwater world from the polar circle to the equator. After being confronted with the vulnerability of the ocean and eyewitnesses to the problems our oceans are facing, Claudia and Hendrik decided to become ambassadors of the underwater world. 

They use their cameras and skills not only to create beautiful films about their diving adventures, but also to focus on documentary films about environmental issues like pollution, climate crisis, overfishing and species extinctions – and on the ocean heroes who are dedicated to the ocean’s protection.


When did you first start your storytelling journey? 

In 2014.


What are the fondest memories from your upbringing that you feel impacted your life choices and lifestyle today? 

My mum taught me a great basic sense of treating everyone and every creature on this planet equally, with equal respect. I was always fascinated by nature, animals and especially marine animals, and I remember watching a lot of nature documentaries. 

Growing up in Europe in the 80’s, environmental issues were present since my childhood. I remember being deeply impressed by Greenpeace's work, and then also quickly sympathised with Sea Shepherd and Paul Watson.

When I started diving, everything fell into place, and all the foundations that have been laid in my youth gave me the strength to become what I am today: an ocean ambassador and conservation storyteller.


What path did you choose after leaving school?

I became a graphic designer and media creator, and studied film sciences for a couple of years. When me and my partner Hendrik started diving, all the pieces of the puzzle fit together and I was able to start living my dream life - being an advocate for the protection of the environment and the wildlife on our planet.


Who/what currently inspires you?

I'm inspired every day by the people who do conservation work on grassroot levels; the ocean heroes who save and protect endangered marine life every single day but are never in the spotlight. 

I'm also inspired by scientists around the world who will not silence their voices and speak tirelessly of the changes we're going to face in the age of climate crisis, even if people don’t want to listen. They motivate me to be uncomfortable and tell the truth about what is going on, even if it hurts. 

I’m inspired by all the youth activists who don’t want to accept that their future is being sacrificed for the sake of short-term profit. I want to make an impact on the protection of the ocean, so that they will be able to live their lives on a healthy planet and marvel at a living, incredibly diverse and beautiful ocean.


What do you value the most?

Respect for all living beings. LOVE. A friendship that persists over years no matter how regular the contact is... Integrity and authenticity.


What would you most like to change in the world/environment today? 

My wish would be that people - the majority of people, would listen to the scientists and follow their expertise.


Are there any books/documentaries that have guided your thinking, and that you'd like to recommend to other ocean lovers? 

  • The song of the dolphins by Federica de Cesco

  • Ocean Warrior by Paul Watson

  • Sharkwater (Rob Stewart)


What legacy do you hope to leave?

I hope that I will be able to reach enough people with my films and my message to make an impact on ocean conservation. Also to inspire enough people to love the ocean and its creatures for what it is, our planet's life support system.


What advice would you give to anyone looking to follow their dreams as an Ocean Storyteller? 

Travel with your eyes open, talk to the people and connect, that's how you'll find amazing stories. Also, be friendly to everyone, there's no such thing as competition in conservation (or at least there shouldn't be). Go to events, dive shows and film festivals - when reality becomes depressing at times, these are the places to meet like-minded people, recharge ones batteries and find motivation to carry on!




INSTAGRAM: @thejetlagged




Fidan Karimova | Ocean Advocate | Artist | United States


Gaëlle Savina | Photographer | Filmmaker | Freediver | Philippines