Giovanni Scipioni | Dive Instructor | Photographer | Italy


After completing a Biology Degree, basing his thesis on the application of phytoremediation, Giovanni followed his passions for travel, cultures, and nature.

Whilst in Honduras he discovered the world of Scuba Diving, and immediately fell in love. He continues to traveling and explore oceans and cultures - always living a sustainable and local lifestyle. Giovanni developed his passion for underwater photography during the first pandemic lockdown whilst in Palau, Micronesia, where he was working as a dive guide.

Try to inspire others, put passion in your message to reach people, and make them part of the world’s conservationism engine.

What is a typical day like for you?

Well, Covid has changed my typical day… previously my main focus was diving. Now, I focus on improving my photo and video making skills. Additionally I am planning to release a cultural project in Mexico that involves local fishermen who are living in symbiosis with the sea.

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When did you first pick up a camera and shooting underwater?

In 2016 with a GoPro, when I was living in Mahahual, Mexico doing my divemaster training.

What/who currently inspires you?

Everyone who focused on reporting what is happening underneath the sea, people that are putting efforts to spread important messages through videos, pictures, and documentaries. For example: Sir David Attenborough, Yann-Arthur Bertrand , Paul Nicken, Madison Stewart, Jono Allen, to name a few.


What path did you choose after leaving school?

After a degree in Biology, I start traveling and volunteering in many countries of Central America. Best choice ever! Through all those experiences I have learned so much, made a lot of friends, and last but not least discovered the scuba diving world.

What are the fondest memories from your upbringing that you feel impacted your life choices and lifestyle today?

I think growing up watching natural history documentaries encouraged my huge passion for nature and conservationism, plus a great curiosity about cultures developed respecting nature.


What do you value most in life?

Balance and happiness.

What brings you the most joy?

I love the feeling of a free dive in a sunny pristine paradise, surrounded by the ocean's sounds.

Are there any books/documentaries that have guided your thinking?

All the works and documentaries Sir Attenborough and Yann-Arthur Bertrand did are simply brilliant.


What would you most like to change in the world/environment today?

Petrol impact in our daily routine. I have noticed that people often tend to ignore how, for example, a single exotic fruit brought to the table negatively affects the environment, in terms of fuel used for the shipping, envelope used to package etc etc.. We need to consider how all those items get to the store before buying them, and make a conscious effort to not be a part of a destructive process.

Another lifestyle is possible, we have an alternative to keep the nature.


Mateusz Pospiech | Illustrator | Poland | Vietnam


Matt Bagley (Petrichor.mb) | Photographer