Jay Clue | Photographer | Eco Tourism | Baja


Jay Clue was born in New Jersey USA and currently lives in Cabo San Lucas Mexico. In between, he’s travelled the world, exploring and living in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Miami, London, Egypt, Cozumel, etc. etc. etc.


What are your fondest memories that you feel impacted your life choices and lifestyle today?

Not sure its a 'fondest memory' but it is most impacting... Many years ago I was given a second chance at life. I was young & stupid and made a lot of really bad choices for the wrong reasons which ultimately got me into a lot of trouble. But for some reason, the judge gave me a second chance. He saw something in me I had not yet seen myself. And what did I do with this second chance?

I, of course, threw it away and went right back to the same place, in front of the same judge - except this time realizing my life as I knew it was actually over. Out of some miraculous change of fate, he gave me one last chance. I was in utter shock.

I went to that court hearing with phone numbers and addresses written on my legs thinking it would be the last time I would see the outside for a very long time. This sparked something inside me - a desire to repay my debt for lack of better words. To prove to myself and the world that I wasn't just another gangbanging misfit bound to become another statistic. I went back to school and graduated top of my class. Started winning awards and excelling in the design world but something was still missing.

So I began volunteering here and there on different projects in community development, disaster relief, outreach, etc but none of it ever felt like the right place for me. Then I was introduced to the world of scuba diving and everything changed. I was honestly addicted. I logged over 300 dives in the first year of becoming a diver. I began meeting all these incredible people who had such a beautiful passion and respect for the ocean and its inhabitants. They saw the world in such a different way than I did. It inspired my childhood sense of adventure and gave me a new purpose in life.

I've always dreamt of being an explorer since I was a child and have always had a love for animals. This new love allowed me to combine it all and turned that spark into a raging fire.


Why do you do what you do? What qualities/values have drawn you to this path in life?

I do what I do because I love it. Building Dive Ninjas has allowed me to take my love and passion for the ocean and share that with others. It's allowed me to take what I feel is important (science & conservation) and what is wrong with the industry (essentially raping resources for profit) and create something different.

What I like to call true eco-tourism. Our guests get to take part in ongoing research projects or learn about the current issues a species faces and how they can help protect them, things they can do back home, and so on. 

I think I covered the second part a bit in the above question too. But to add to it - while growing up my father instilled this kind of yesteryear values in me - 'always stick up for the little guy... treat women with the utmost respect... fight for what you believe in.. always be yourself..' and so on...

I also was quite fascinated with Buddhist philosophy, science, and exploration (archeologic, geographic, nature, etc) when I was younger but never believed I would be able to do these things.


Who or what inspired you?

There's been so many along the way that I could probably write a small novel about it. I feel like every other day I'm finding some new inspiration. Humans like Regina Domingo of Nakawe Project that is fighting to protect the sharks in our oceans. Regina has become a close friend and I'm still inspired by her compassion and energy almost every other conversation we have. Additionally,

I'm constantly inspired by the many scientists and marine biologists I am blessed to meet while working with Dive Ninjas. Their passion and hard work being put into better understanding and protecting our oceans is incredible. Humans like Frida Lara, Tania Palemetti, Mauricio Hoyas, Dr Robert Rubin, Pete Rodriguez Aranas, Marta Palacios, Marta Cambra Augusti, Deni Ramirez, Katia Silva, and the list goes on and on. I feel like we have entered a new epoch of science and this new generation of researchers is the hope our civilization really needs. But I think the most important right now are the normal humans doing incredible things.

I watched a student of mine become inspired by some conversations in her Open Water course go on to create an organization changing how Los Cabos looks at disposable plastics and waste in general. To me, that is just unbelievably incredible and inspiring.

Imagine if more of us decided to do something?


How would you describe yourself?

I'm really horrible at these type of questions (Haha). I don't do well with receiving compliments or praise. It always makes me feel awkward as I am not really sure how to even handle it because I just see myself as a normal ninja (human) and not really anything special at all. There are so many more humans out there doing much more incredible things. So if I had to answer I'd just say I'm a normal ninja chasing big dreams.


What would you most like to change in the world/environment today?

The list is probably near-endless due to all the issues we are currently facing from the decimation of species and ecosystems to plastics to civil liberties and the list just goes on.

But if I had to choose one, it would be to see more people get involved in changing the world. To find something they want to change and take that first step towards making a difference.

If even a tiny bit more of the worlds population did this imagine what we could accomplish. This is why we have started building the Dive Ninja Ocean Warriors platform - to showcase normal humans doing incredible things for our ocean and inspire others to join in the movement.


What do you value most in life? 

Moments & experiences and the stories they create. Whether it be sharing a fleeting moment face to face with a month old grey whale calf, or meeting a random new person at the airport. I love the stories that all of these ephemeral experiences create and how they can have such a gigantic impact on ones life.


What legacy do you hope to leave?

I could only hope to inspire others to take steps towards doing great things.


Website - https://www.jayclue.com

Instagram - @jayclue




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