Placido Benzi | Photographer | Sicily - Italy


Deeply fascinated by all life forms and their complexity, Placido is committed to showcasing the beauty and fragility of our oceans. As a marine biologist, he hopes to use his research and passion to further educate people around the world about the importance of ocean conservation. Currently attending a Marine Sciences Master degree, Placido uses his ocean knowledge and stunning photographs to inspire positive change.


What is a typical day like for you?

I'm currently attending a Marine Sciences Master degree, I start my day with some coffee and then I study. Due to the pandemic and subsequent restrictions, there is not much to do, especially outside, studying and working out occupy much of my day, but I often find enough time to enjoy my hobbies, such as underwater and nature photography, snorkelling and volunteering for plastic cleanups.

What are the fondest memories from your upbringing that you feel impacted your life choices and lifestyle today?

I grew up in two Sicilian places dominated by the sea: Catania and San Vito Lo Capo. My most vivid memory about the first real contact with water involves my father throwing me out of our boat to make me learn to swim. What was once terrifying is now a matter of laugh that I remember with joy. I've always been an 'aquatic' kid and I often explored the sandy and rocky shores of the Ionian and Tyrrhenian sea. I remember I was scared of the dark patches of water and little did I know as a kid that those patches were dark because they hid what I now, as an adult, love: Posidonia Oceanica meadows.


When did you first pick up a camera and shooting underwater?

It was 6 years ago. My parents gave me a GoPro as a birthday gift and I fell in love with underwater photography. My first underwater photo is about a clear blue waterscape off the coast of San Vito Lo Capo.

What/who currently inspires you?

People who spend their lives protecting what remains of this beautiful planet. I feel inspired by all those guardians of life, it’s a hard lifestyle but I think it’s the most heart-filling choice for me. Nature is ultimately my greatest source of wonder, awe and inspiration.


What path did you choose after leaving school?

I chose a bachelor degree in Biological Sciences and I graduated with a thesis on Posidonia Oceanica meadows and their role in climate change mitigation through Blue Carbon sequestration. After graduating I started a Marine Sciences master degree (University of Milan-Bicocca).

What have been the biggest challenges you've had to overcome? 

Really tough question. I would be extremely concise and cryptic and I'd say: nature, compassion, harmony and love. 

What would you most like to change in the world/environment today? 

Sensibility towards environmental problems. That’d be the minimum.


What do you value most in life?

Love and the attitude towards positive change.


Are there any books/documentaries that have guided your thinking? 

Absolutely, the list below are must-reads:


What brings you the most joy? 

Nature, and harmony between nature and mankind.

What legacy do you hope to leave? 

Love for nature, human compassion, marine conservation and hope in human progress.


Instagram - @neptunegrass


Joe Daniels | Underwater Photographer | Conservationist | UK


Charlotte Gill | Photographer | Scientific Diver | Marine Stories Ranger for the Cornwall Seal Group Research Trust | UK