OCEAN Guardians

OCL Ocean Guardians are a collective of charities, scientists, conservationists, campaigners, ocean experts, and individuals who all share a common love for the ocean.

There’s a vast ocean of charities, conservationists, campaigners, ocean experts and individuals that work tirelessly across oceanic projects. However, there isn’t always enough support and investment for the critical work they do. Many ocean guardians struggle to dedicate budget (if any) to amplify their story in order to gain support.

All of OCLs profit are injected back into creating content for our fellow ocean guardians, collectively spreading awareness and working together to restore healthy oceans. We turn ocean research, community projects, events, and conservation projects into engaging content and campaigns.

Register as an Ocean Guardian today and amplify your mission.

North Shore Lifeguards

Healing Waves

Plastic Free Jersey

OCL Ambassadors