Dana Hamann | Longboarder | Retreat Host | Conscious Creator | USA | Indonesia

Born and raised in San Diego, California. Dana Moved to O'ahu, Hawai'i, at 18 and has been splitting time between O'ahu and Indonesia since she was 22. Now based in Lombok, building the business of her dreams.

What are the fondest memories from your upbringing that you feel impacted your life choices and lifestyle today?

Spending so much time in and by the ocean. Some of the first memories I have are of playing at the beach and surfing with my family and friends from a very young age. Pure peace, beauty, and joy in nature.

I remember I NEVER wanted to leave the beach, it has always been my safe haven, a place that feels like home, a place where I can truly be me. Being pushed, tested, and challenged by the sea and waves has taught me my greatest lessons - about myself, my own individual abilities, strengths fears, and about life, how we must learn to ebb and flow with every shift and experience that comes our way.

I think one of my fondest memories is when I was around 12 years old, it was a bigger winter day at my local break, and I was really nervous to paddle out cause the conditions were a bit out of my comfort zone, but my best friend and I decided we would give it a try. I reckon it took us 1 hour.. but we finally made it outside the lineup after getting pounded and swept across the beach.

At that moment, it was the first time I remember being aware that I truly had the power to do anything I desired.

What are you doing in or around the ocean?

Surfing, longboarding, freediving, sea swimmer, beach dwelling, shelling, observing, healing.

What/Who currently inspires you?

Oh this is a tough one because I am inspired by so many people and things in our natural world! Let’s see.. What inspires me currently - is people living in their power, authentically expressing their voice and passions with confidence, clarity and excitement.

People who are doing what they love and encouraging others to do what they love - even if it means choosing a ‘different’ or ‘alternative’ path. Vulnerable people. People who take risks face their fears and make sacrifices for what they believe in.

People who give even when it’s the last that they have. People go out of their way to help or offer support from the genuine depths of their souls because they truly care about the well being of our people and planet.

Living in Indonesia, I am blessed to be surrounded by such incredible people from all over the world with all different backgrounds, ways of life, and perceptions.. My body is literally covered in goosebumps as I think about this and type it out. And to be immersed in the local culture and learn from native people in Indonesia, WOW, this has massively influenced my life. The simplicity, the community support, the natural essence of trust, the close connections, the traditions, I could go on and on about how these people and these islands inspire me.

I think that our natural world provides me with my biggest source of inspiration though. To sit in the ocean, either on top of the water or below the surface, and just observe the way she flows.. it’s magnificent. To see such harmony, to feel such comfort, to hear all the sounds of life that she supports. It’s the purest form of connection. It fills my heart.

The same goes for the jungle, mountains, flower fields, waterfalls, rivers, lakes, and animals in their natural habitat. Just observing in silence and growing awareness of the way things naturally occur has inspired me to tap into my intuition and natural flow and allow the essence of life to flow through me, my work, and everything I do.

What path did you choose after leaving school?

This has always been a touchy subject for me. I allowed other people’s thoughts and opinions to influence my beliefs and choices until I became aware that my choices were MINE to make and no one else’s.

So, I went to college when I was 18 because that’s what I was told to do. Get a degree, start my career, buy a house, work till I can retire then ‘enjoy’ life. But that didn’t sit right with me for too long. I was in the pre-nursing program for 1 year at Hawai’i Pacific University and quickly realized that western medicine was not aligned with my values, beliefs, or lifestyle.

I changed my major to kinesiology and transferred to the University of Hawai’i at Manoa with the intention of deepening my knowledge and understanding of the human body so I could help others powerfully connect with themself with a new approach to awareness and prevention. But my last few months of college… I didn’t even go to school. I only showed up for exams and to turn assignments in - yet I still ended my last semester with a 3.8 GPA, which was the lowest I had received throughout my entire education.

This is when I started gaining the confidence to make choices that made ME happy, even if it upset family and friends. When I was 19-20 most of my days were spent in and around the ocean, working and playing. I was committed to learning everything I could about the water and myself through the water. I prioritized my well-being, happiness, my passions and love over getting a traditional education because it’s what brought me the most joy. Isn’t life meant to be enjoyed?

I dropped out of college at 20, and woahh did it cause a lot of problems in my family and with my friends. I had very, very, very little support for this choice and even less belief from those who loved me. I even lost some friends because of this. Honestly, though I laugh at it now haha. I know my worth, my capabilities, my heart, and that’s enough for me to go against the grain and follow my dreams, the calling inside my soul.

I spent my early 20’s traveling to Fiji, Australia, and Indonesia for extended periods. Surfing, meeting new people, going on adventures, exploring new places, reading ancient texts, trying new things, listening to spiritual teachings, meditating and journaling everything waiting to come out of my heart and mind.

This was a huge period of transformation for me. I’ve always said I have a degree in Life and my university was the World. And let me tell you, I am damn proud of it and even prouder of myself for never giving up even when I questioned how I was going to make it, even when people told me to stop being crazy or stupid and to go back to school (college).

I got certified to teach yoga, became a surf coach, and hustled in the hospitality / tourism industry to support my dreams of travel and freedom. I had 4 jobs at one point in my life, worked like 60 hours a week saving as much money as I could so I could holiday for 3-4 months and just be. Observe life, enjoy life, learn what it’s like to not stress about life.

This has led me down the most magical journey. Showed me my strengths and purpose, inspired me to live consciously, connected me to incredible people all around the world, offered irreplaceable experiences, and so, so much more. I’ve walked many paths after leaving school and realize that the more paths I choose to walk on, the more aligned and grand opportunities start to present themself to me. Here I am being guided by intuition and leading with love.

What do you value most in life?

Our planet, our oceans, our people. Respecting all, taking care of all, supporting all. Honesty, loyalty, trust. Living mindfully, holistically, and simply. Connecting with, grounding with, and preserving nature. Sharing the vulnerable thoughts, ideas and expressions that arise amongst the silence of the soul. Taking the time to get to know ourselves as individuals and a collective species.

Following DREAMS and PASSIONS. Giving back to people and places that need support. Always leave a place better than when we arrived. Honouring each individual for the gift that they share with our world.

What would you most like to change in the world/environment today?

I want to see more people making a conscious effort to decrease consumerism, consumption of chemicals, and supporting the mass agriculture business so that we can live in alignment with nature and each other.

I believe there are too many material things, products, clothes, devices, etc. that have pulled us away from our true nature and brought about a fog that has disconnected us from the land, sea, and even our true inner power.

I want to see big brands making a difference with the money that they are making, not just creating more things to sell (even if they’re ‘sustainable’) and sending more people on trips to get content, but actually going to communities that need support to create a more efficient and effective way of life that does more good than harm. Like offering education to remotes places about food and water systems, compost, reusing materials, setting up a better form of waste disposal. Or investing money in preservation of land and natural resources instead of destruction and development.

I want to see companies that are feeding our people products full of toxic shit (food, cleaning products, self care products, all of it) change their mindset to one of sustainability - not just wealth.

We have enough things available to us on this planet, what we need is people, communities, and companies that are willing to lead the way in making structural changes in our society to offer long term life and expansion for our population and for our Earth.

What brings you the most joy?

2 things. 1 - the ocean, expressing my soul dancing on a wave or moving effortlessly beneath the surface. 2 - being part of someone’s journey to self discovery, self awareness, self truth, a guide in aligned, individual transformation.

What advice would you give to anyone looking to follow their dreams?

JUST DO IT! Go after the calling in your heart and soul. Go after the things that make you scared and bring up the most fear. You have to break through these boundaries to get to your dreams. Take risks, makes mistakes, and learn from EVERY experience you have - each moment is here to teach us and pilot us closer to our purpose for being here. Find people who see the vision that you see. Surround yourself with those who are working toward their dreams and goals. Invest in yourself. That’s the best investment you will make. Courses, coaching, new skills, whatever you’re being drawn towards.

Choose to create a new belief system that is aligned with the life you want to create. Learn how to raise your vibration.

Learn what makes YOU happy, truly happy. Every day make, focus on feeling good and finding activities or moments that allow you to settle into this feeling. Consciously re-write your story, it takes time - so be gentle with yourself during the process. Oh… and ask for help if you need it, don’t think you have to do this all alone, find people who can support you, find people who inspire you, find people who BELIEVE in you.

We are one. When one succeeds, when one is happy, it transmutes across the collective and this ripple of energy has the power to change the world.

Follow Dana’s Journey

Website: www.dancelightlysurf.com

Insta: @dancelightly_




Arzucan Askin | Underwater Photographer | Tech Diver | Marine Conservation Scientist | Sailor | Indonesia