Laura Garcia | Scuba Diver | Marine Scientist | Conservationist | Columbia

Laura is a full-time traveller and activist from Colombia. She is a marine scientist and conservationist who is currently working for Sea Shepherd to fight illegal fishing. 

Since moving to Australia to study Marine Science, Laura has been dedicating her time to campaigning and working as a scientist.


What are you doing in or around the ocean? 

I am a scuba Diver, Marine Scientist and Conservationist.


What are the fondest memories from your upbringing that you feel impacted your life choices and lifestyle today?

As a kid, I never had a lot of contact with the ocean. However, I was always in contact with nature and knew from a very young age that I wanted to protect it. 

It wasn't until I was 14 years old that I travelled to the ocean with my family and totally fell in love with it. I decided then that I wanted to do Marine Science and live by the beach when I was older. 

One of the moments that had the biggest impact on my life was the day I went diving for the first time. The sound of my breathing and the movement of the water around me created a sense of calm and serenity that was hard to find on land. That's when I decided to move to Australia to study Marine Science and dedicate my life to protecting the ocean.


What/who currently inspires you?

I currently work for Sea Shepherd fighting illegal fishing. The people on board the vessels and the work we do inspires me every day!


What path did you choose after leaving school?

I chose the path of marine conservation and environmental management. I am currently finishing my thesis for my master’s degree in marine environmental management and audits. I am also an activist working for sea shepherd and fighting for our oceans.


What do you value most in life?

The ocean is one of the most valuable and precious things in my life. It is a source of inspiration, amazement and wonder, and holds a very special place in my heart. As I explore the ocean, I am constantly in awe of its boundless beauty and diversity. The array of marine life, each with their unique characteristics and behaviours, never ceases to amaze me. 

The ocean also provides a sense of serenity and peace. But for me the ocean is not just a source of beauty, it is also an essential part of our planet's ecosystem, playing a vital role in regulating the Earth's climate and weather patterns, and being a major source of food and a key driver of the global economy. 

It is our responsibility to protect and preserve the ocean for future generations. That is why the ocean is one of the most valuable things in my life. It serves as a reminder of the beauty and complexity of the natural world and the importance of taking care of it.


What would you most like to change in the world/environment today?

If I could change one thing right now would be the consumption of animal products. 

There are several reasons why it is important to reduce or stop consuming animal products. One of the main reasons is the impact that animal agriculture has on the environment. Animal agriculture is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and water pollution. It also requires a large amount of land and water resources, which can lead to habitat destruction and biodiversity loss. 

Another important reason is the ethical treatment of animals in factory farms. Animals are often raised in cramped and inhumane conditions, with little to no access to the outdoors or natural behaviours. They are also subject to cruel practices such as debeaking, dehorning, and tail docking. 

As for fish consumption, overfishing has led to a decline in fish populations and a disruption of marine ecosystems. 

Additionally, fishing methods such as trawling can damage ocean habitats and “accidentally” catch and kill non-target species. Pollution and climate change are also affecting the health of fish populations.


What brings you the most joy?

For me, swimming, surfing, diving or snorkelling in the ocean is a source of joy. It allows me to feel a sense of freedom and connection to nature. It is a reminder that we are part of something greater than ourselves, something that is both powerful and fragile, and that we have a responsibility to protect and preserve.


What advice would you give to anyone looking to follow their dreams?

I would say follow your dreams no matter what. There is a chance you will fail, but failure is the best teacher. Learn from your mistakes and know there’s no obstacle big enough to stop you. 

Be determined but also flexible. Work hard but also give yourself some slack. Keep a clear goal in mind, and make sure your decisions align with that goal. Never stop trying!


Follow Laura’s Journey

Instagram: @laurad._garcia



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