Ardi Webber | Photographer | Sunshine Coast


Based by Peregian Beach, Queensland, Ardi Webber has grown up surrounded by the beautiful scenery of the Australian coast. Five years ago Ardi picked up his first camera, pursuing a personal goal to learn how to use it for fun. Since then, his passion for photography has blossomed and grown into a full-time career. His dedication, unique style and eye for visual art has made him an award-winning photographer, specialising in capturing the underwater world.


What is a typical day like for you?

A typical day for me is work at my local Garricks Camerahouse, taking photos, or going for a fish with my dog and my girlfriend.

What are the fondest memories from your upbringing that you feel impacted your life choices and lifestyle today?

Some of my fondest memories are of when I was a kid growing up in the Sunshine Coast hinterland and my mother taking me and my big sister out into our local forest and waterfalls and exposing me to nature and all its creatures and learning about them all. I think being outside when you are young rather than being on tik tok and a mobile phone all day is far more important and useful. 

What/who currently inspires you?

My biggest inspiration comes from just being out in the water and amongst all the marine life, waves and everything our ocean still has to offer and also all the people that are working towards the conservation of our Great Barrier Reef right now. 


What path did you choose after leaving school?

After leaving school I chose a path of mostly working for a living, I've previously worked away in a fly-in fly-out position for 8 years that took me to all the parts of Australia.

What do you value most in life?

My family, friends, dog and the fact that I live in a place that's 5 minutes away from the ocean.

What would you most like to change in the world/environment today?

I'd like to see far more education and understanding about what we are actually doing to our worlds waterways so that we can teach our future generations to have appreciation and respect for our environment. 


Are there any books/documentaries that have guided your thinking?

Sharkwater is still something that sticks out in my mind to this day. 

What brings you the most joy?

Living the life I'm currently living.

What legacy do you hope to leave?

Teach Appreciation, respect, love and educate our future generations about our natural world so that us as a human race can continue to enjoy everything that it has to offer, there's not really any second chances here.

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Ardi’s Gear

Cameras - Fujifilm X-T4Fujifilm X-E3

Drone - DJI Mavic Pro, NiSi Filters

Lenses - 10-24mm, 35mm , 55-200mm

Underwater Housing - Ikelite 200DL

Lighting - Lumecube


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