Jessica Reynolds | Ocean Nomad | California | Bali


Jessica Reynolds has spent the last 10 years travelling the world. Following her dream to be forever connected with the ocean, Jess quickly realised that you don’t have to be a millionaire to travel and become engrossed with the ocean. 

Jessica has spent her time cruising the ocean as a chef on the largest private sailing yacht in the world and on her much-loved surfboard. 

We know this powerhouse of a woman will have more stories and adventures to share, and we can’t wait to see where she ends up next!


How do you spend your time?

I spend my time nicely balanced between working on the ocean and playing in the ocean, as much as possible. I work as a freelance chef for sail yachts (crossing the Atlantic for the 6th time this December) and whenever there is a free week or month, I go to where the surf is nice, reliable and cheap, and go immerse myself there amongst the locals, the travellers and waves.

What brings you the most joy?

Paddling out with mates… surfing crystal clear waters, a private audience to a sunset that warms your face, dolphins, turtles and pelicans all enjoying the same vibes...and feeling more alive with each wave, totally engrossed in the moment. All the while laughing and giggling...heart racing, eyes wide, body aching and soul full. These are such precious memories to me and how bonds are well and truly formed between buddies. There is no better feeling.

What are the fondest memories from your upbringing that you feel impacted your life choices and lifestyle today?

The fondest memories from childhood would have to be the summer holidays as we were fortunate enough to go camping on the west coast of France. We would be at the beach all day...playing in these pretty gnarly waves, they have super strong currents and massive rip tides. 

I am one of 4 kids so we would all look after each other whilst getting smashed in the shore break. 

Learning to respect the ocean and her tremendous strength from such an early age was a blessing as it made me more confident in the water now. She is humbling that’s for sure. We were all natural water babies and fell in love with beach life and the community that comes with it. I knew from these early years that I was destined to remain an ocean dweller and this was where my heart was most happy.

What path did you choose after leaving school?

After school years were over, I decided to continue the adventure and applied for ski season work. I ran a large chalet in the French Alpes for 3 years during the winter and taught sailing at Camp America in the summers. This path was extremely fun and although I never really made any substantial money, I had the kind of fun you can only experience in those years of your life where just 1 hour of sleep is plenty, and you are physically capable to ride all day on the mountain for 6 days a week for 5 months straight. 

After this, I managed to fall onto an extremely lucky streak of yacht work through a friend and eventually found myself in a chef role on the largest private sailing yacht in the world at the time The Maltese Falcon. Although this took me worldwide, it was not right. I had learnt how to surf a few years previous but seeing these breathtaking spots from a port hole in the confines of your cabin, not actually exploring their beauty and surfing the waves, was actually torture. This wasn't a fulfilling adventure at all. It served its purpose and now I had a window of opportunity. I was experienced in the yachting world and had an essential string to my bow. I had made countless contacts and could now go ‘Freelance’. Ahhhh yes, this actually means…fun-employed. Perfect.

Although I still haven’t found my ultimate job or what I “always wanted to do” I’m currently happy in this current state of ‘Work to Live’, not ‘Live to Work’. I am a very capable and experienced chef, but it’s not my passion. Nothing makes me light up more than seeing dolphins surfing off the bow or a palm tree-lined beach with a wave so long and beautiful my smile hurts my face. 

How settled are you on your current path?

I’m happy and that is the most important thing. Things are constantly changing and nothing is set in stone. The spontaneity and freedom I have, are invaluable to me. Something that would kill me in this life is monotony. Keeping things exciting, fresh, and new is the key to not just being alive, but feeling alive.

What do you value most in your life?

I value my health and my family the most in my life. If you don’t have your health, you have absolutely nothing. 

What future plans do you have? 

My future plans only ever venture into the next 6 months - maximum! I have 10 days of work in Mallorca, which pays for a surf trip to Brazil for 2 weeks…swiftly followed by a 4-week Atlantic crossing to the BVI’s on a 60m Sail Yacht, then 3 weeks of work in Antigua, a month in Australia seeing my sister, having beach days with family and then 12 days work in St Barths in the Caribbean. 

Come April...I will aim to find some work...then in May, I have a great friend sailing around Madagascar and 2 weeks there would be epic. There’s a there’s a way!

What battle have you fought that you consider to be the most important?

I have found it a constant battle to just do what makes me happy and not be criticized for it as it’s not “the norm”. Doing what I want, when I want, living for the great times, flitting around the world 'willy nilly' being a health freak, taking several months away to surf with buddies, living in a wicked dreamland which, as it turns out, is my actual real land. 

I am 34 (35 next week) and I don’t have a house, a car, a mortgage, or a credit card even…and I couldn’t care less. I have so many amazing memories and experiences I shall never forget. I don't need to comply with what society thinks a woman of my age should have, should be doing or should have accomplished, be doing, or should have accomplished. I’m not going to force anything just to fit in. I roll on through life and it has never disappointed me yet. You can’t control life…so let it be. 

There is no ‘ticking clock’…only you can know when you are ready to settle down. The biggest risk you can take in life is working yourself to death all your life on the gamble that you can afford to do it later. 

What are the most important lessons you have learned so far?

DIY. You cannot blame anyone else for your misfortune or your mistakes….It’s all on you. If you want to travel the world and completely switch up everything you know…you have to pull your finger out and do it yourself, make it happen. It’s that easy. 

As a solo female traveller, I’ve learnt too many mini lessons to recount. I started exploring at 18 and haven’t stopped. I was not lucky…I was not loaded, I was not experienced and I was not organized. I just did what felt right…faked it till I made it, never strayed too far from the beaten track (I’m not an idiot) and when something fell in my lap… I was grateful. 

I never outstayed my welcome and tried to ‘pay it forward’ as best I could. I may not be a millionaire by my bank statements but I sure feel like one in my memory bank. CRINGE. Hahaha…! I’m one lucky girl…that created her own luck.

What would you most like to change about the world/environment?

The education system… it’s so outdated and flawed. Kids aren’t learning about important life skills to make us all better humans. We should be schooled heavily on topics such as the environment, health, mental health, starting a family, coping, wellness, social media, life goals, communication, social awareness, self-defence, travel…I could go on. Obviously, I would love the environmental issue of the pollution of our oceans taken more seriously. I try to lead by example and educate wherever possible. The swiftly dawning statistics about the number of microplastics that we are now ingesting are enough to give me nightmares.

What legacy do you hope to leave?

That just because everyone is following the same gravy train (mmmm gravy), that doesn’t make your path wrong. Do what makes you happy, your passion. Whatever lights you up and the rest will fall into place. Money can always be made again and again…but once time disappears, it’s gone. Explore more, push your limits, and don’t be afraid.

You lady…I’m talking to you.



Carlos Gavela | Photographer | Videographer | Freediver |South America | Galápagos Islands


Aliyah Griffith | Marine Scientist | Student | US | Barbados