Julia Ochs | Ocean & Nature Photographer | Ocean Advocate | Germany


Julia is a talented photographer from Germany, and for the last ten years, she has dedicated her photography to the ocean. Collaborating with her fellow ocean enthusiasts, research institutes, and NGOs, Julia has documented their incredible work and the endless beauty of the ocean. While residing in the landlocked city of Stuttgart for most of the year, Julia proudly founded the OCEAN GALLERY – a space dedicated to raising awareness for ocean conservation through art.


Image Credit: Matthias Mischkolin


When did you first start your storytelling journey?

I began capturing the beauty of the ocean over a decade ago, driven by a deep appreciation for its undeniable beauty.

 One vivid memory stands out — surfing in Portugal during sunset, witnessing the water transform into liquid gold. It was then that I realised the need to capture these beautiful moments nature offers us, marking the beginning of my journey as a professional photographer.

Later in my career as an ocean photographer I've come to understand the fragility of its ecosystem and the pressing need to share stories that extend beyond its aesthetics to support ocean conservation.


What are the fondest memories from your upbringing that you feel impacted your life choices and lifestyle today? 

I spent my childhood far from the ocean, and my initial encounter during a holiday with my parents left me feeling intimidated and scared. Growing up in the countryside and spending most of my time outdoors as a child, I believe it was this early connection with nature that initially sparked my appreciation for its beauty. Though it wasn't until my early twenties, when I started surfing, that I discovered this deep connection with the ocean – a place that, despite its geographical distance, felt like home to me.


What path did you choose after leaving school?

After studying Media Economics, I went on to spend a few years in Australia, England, and Portugal, trying to gain experience as a surf photographer. When I came back to Germany, I worked as a photo assistant for a while, deepening my photography skills before eventually becoming a freelance photographer.


Image Credit: Klaudyna Brzostowska


What/who currently inspires you?

I believe nature is the greatest artist on Earth, and it's my biggest inspiration. The ocean, with its endless beauty and diverse facets, serves as a constant source of creative inspiration for me.


What current projects / stories are you working on?

Currently, I am involved in various projects. In June 2023, I founded the OCEAN GALLERY, dedicated to nature, especially the ocean. The gallery aims to raise awareness about the fragility of the oceans, generate donations, and contribute to positive change – an ongoing project in which I am actively engaged.

This spring, I am working on a short documentary with the support of OCL.

It tells a story of hope amid a relentless battle against dangerous ghost gear in the open sea ecosystem, particularly focusing on the Mediterranean Sea. The documentary features two ocean guardians tirelessly working to address this issue—saving one turtle at a time and striving to make the Mediterranean Sea safer for marine life. Another ongoing project involves creating a documentary about bottom trawling, recognised as the most destructive fishing practice. In May of this year, I will also embark on a journey with researchers to Svalbard, documenting the fragile Arctic ecosystem and crafting stories to inspire positive change.


What would you most like to change in the world/environment today?

I would like to see an increase in empathy, fostering a deeper connection between people and nature. I believe that when individuals feel a profound sense of oneness with the environment, protecting nature becomes an instinctive and obvious choice. I wish the vast majority of people would start taking action to protect our ocean and raise their voices to fight climate change. The worst thing one can do is to stay silent. Ultimately, I hope people come to realise that happiness comes from a connection with nature rather than the pursuit of material consumption.


Are there any books/documentaries that have guided your thinking, and that you'd like to recommend to other ocean lovers?

There are so many I loved. Here are a few that come to my mind: Fishpeople, My Octopus Teacher, and Chasing the Thunder.


What legacy do you hope to leave?

Through my images and stories, my goal is to inspire others to develop a deeper connection with nature and drive positive change. Whether it's a direct contribution to ocean conservation or motivating people to be active in preserving the beauty of our planet in various ways, I aspire to be a catalyst for positive action. I hope that future generations get to experience the wonders of our beautiful world, and I want to be able to say that I did everything in my power to contribute to this cause.


What advice would you give to anyone looking to follow their dreams as an Ocean Storyteller? 

The advice I would give to anyone looking to follow their dreams as an Ocean Storyteller is to believe in yourself, work hard, connect with like-minded individuals, and stop doubting yourself. Collaborate as much as you can because saving the ocean is a collective effort. Only together, we can make a difference.


Image Credit: Matthias Mischkolin


Image Credit: Klaudyna Brzostowska




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