Kyle Roepke | Ocean Photographer & Filmmaker | US


Kyle Roepke is a cinematographer, photographer, tech-diver, and conservationist. He is most at home in the mountains, but deeply connected to the sea.

Kyle was raised in a small town in Oregon and has since been traveling the world telling stories and seeking adventure.

Through his experiences, he has developed a deep love for the sea and honed his skills as a diver, director of photography, and photographer. His passion is visual storytelling- telling the ocean’s stories gives his work purpose.


When did you first start your storytelling journey? 

I first started documenting my ocean stories while working for Sea Legacy. I had been working in reality television, weddings, and brand marketing- but when I was taken onboard as an intern at SeaLegacy my passion and work found purpose by giving a voice to the sea. 


What are the fondest memories from your upbringing that you feel impacted your life choices and lifestyle today? 

My parents fostered a deep connection between myself and the natural world. A memory that stands out clearly was when our family took a trip to Baja. We grew up landlocked, but this trip brought me deep into the Baja peninsula where we spent countless hours on the ocean, saw a whale for the first time, and visited a sea turtle rehabilitation center. This trip was by far the longest time I had spent near the ocean up to that point and it fostered a deep connection and love for the ocean. 


What path did you choose after leaving school?

I finished high school and thought I was going to go to college for sports. That ended up falling flat as I did not have the GPA to get into the colleges I wanted, and wasn’t quite good enough to be brought in solely on athletic ability. I ended up going to community college to get my GPA to a point where I could be accepted- but after one and a half years I was feeling less sure of what I wanted than when I started. So I dropped out and went traveling in Europe.

This is where I first found my passion, photography. Armed with a cellphone camera I snapped photos along my journey. Half way through my trip, I remember thinking, “This is pretty fun. Maybe I should see If I can get an internship or something when I get back.” That’s exactly what I did.

Upon my return, I reached out to a local filmmaker in my small town and arranged to work for him for free so I could train to become a photographer.


What/who currently inspires you?

I find inspiration in the collective voices all calling for change regarding our ocean. So much of the thought process has been left to the “big names”, seeing the collective “little guys” making a difference inspires me to find my own voice and add it to the hum.


What would you most like to change in the world/environment today? 

I would like to bridge the gap between everyday people and the ocean. Each night every person in the world can look upwards to the stars and think that is the next frontier. Just as those people can see the stars and be filled with wonder- I want them to see the ocean. The greatest frontier of discovery and wonder in our galaxy is not light years away- it’s right in front of us. I want to bridge this gap by telling inspiring and powerful stories that can make a positive change for the ocean.


Are there any books/documentaries that have guided your thinking, and that you'd like to recommend to other ocean lovers? 

I found that documentaries and books telling people what to think immediately create biases. The films and books that have influenced me most are not ones that tell me what to think, but rather that show someone or something with an amazing connection to the subject, which in turn makes me connect as well. A film that did this brilliantly is “My Octopus Teacher.” It was truly masterfully done. 


What advice would you give to anyone looking to follow their dreams as an Ocean Storyteller? 

My advice to young storytellers is first: seek mentors. Contact people you want to emulate and try to learn from them in person. There’s nothing more valuable than learning with your hands. It will give you a great experience and connections that you can draw on for a lifetime. Second: go outside and create a connection with the sea. Whether it’s a daily snorkel, surf, or a beach walk- getting to know the patterns and flow of the ocean will only serve you well on your journey as an ocean advocate. 


What legacy do you hope to leave?

I hope to leave a legacy of inspiration and empowerment for people to find their voice and know it can be heard when it comes to values you want to support, and that your dreams are attainable.



INSTAGRAM: @kyle.roepke



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